Heated Pool and Water Slides: The Mountain Lake Camping Resort heated pool and water slides are for registered campers only, sorry no day-use passes.  There is no lifeguard on duty at any time.

Pool Area rules:  Children under 15 years of age are not permitted in the pool area without a parent or guardian that is 21 years or older.  No glass or food is allowed in the pool area.  No rafts or ball playing permitted.  No drinking beverages while in the pool.  All beverages need to be kept by your lounge chair.  Bathing suit attire is required.

Water Slide rules:  These are speed slides.  Your child should be comfortable with laying on his/her back while going down the slides.  Sitting up in the slides is not recommended.  Arm floats, swim vests, or any other type of swimming aid is not allowed.  Sunglasses, eyeglasses, and goggles are not permitted.  No hats, water shoes, etc are allowed.  No jewelry is allowed.  The maximum weight of the rider allowed is 250 lbs.  The minimum height of the rider is 36″.  Cutoffs or swimwear with exposed metal objects are not allowed. Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not permitted on slides.  All rides must lay on their backs, feet first.  No doubles are allowed.

Check-out of the campground is 11:00 AM; this includes the pool and the other areas of the campground. For information on how to stay after check-out time to enjoy the amenities, please click here.

If you are under the influence of alcohol, being in the pool area or water slide area is prohibited.

Rafts, tubes, and ball-playing are not allowed in the pool area but can be enjoyed in our lake.